
Цена 497.25р.

Описание MC34064P-5G

The MC34064P-5G is an Under-voltage Sensing Circuit specifically designed for use as a reset controller in microproce...

The MC34064P-5G is an Under-voltage Sensing Circuit specifically designed for use as a reset controller in microprocessor-based systems. It offers the designer an economical solution for low voltage detection with a single external resistor. The MC34064 features a comparator with precise thresholds and built-in hysteresis to prevent erratic reset operation. The open collector reset output is capable of sinking in excess of 10mA and an operation is guaranteed down to 1V input with low standby current.

• Precise comparator thresholds guaranteed over-temperature
• Comparator hysteresis prevents erratic reset
• Internal clamp diode for discharging delay capacitor
• Low standby current
• 0 to 70°C Operating temperature range

Тип simple reset/power-on reset
Количество проверяемых напряжений 1
Выход open drain or open collector
Сброс active low
Пороговое напряжение 4.6В
Рабочая температура 0…+70°C
Корпус to-92
Вес 0.3г

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