
Цена 12.00 - 65.81 руб.

Описание LM385Z-2.5G

The LM385 series micropower band-gap Voltage Regulator Diode designed to operate over a wide current range of 10µA to...

The LM385 series micropower band-gap Voltage Regulator Diode designed to operate over a wide current range of 10µA to 20mA, this device feature exceptionally low dynamic impedance, low noise and stable operation over time and temperature. Tight voltage tolerances are achieved by on-chip trimming. The large dynamic operating range enables these devices to be used in applications with widely varying supplies with excellent regulation. Extremely low operating current make this device ideal for micropower circuitry like portable instrumentation, regulator and other analog circuitry where extended battery life is required.

• Low temperature coefficient
• 1R Dynamic impedance

Вес 0.3г

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    1-2 по запросу 1000 12.00


    4-6 701 1000 65.81

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