Цена 30.00 - 74.53 руб.

Описание LM2664M6/NOPB

The LM2664M6/NOPB is a Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter inverts a positive voltage in the range of 1.8V to 5.5V t...

The LM2664M6/NOPB is a Switched Capacitor Voltage Converter inverts a positive voltage in the range of 1.8V to 5.5V to the corresponding negative voltage of -1.8V to -5.5V. The converter uses two capacitors to provide up to 40mA of output current. The LM2664 operates at 160kHz oscillator frequency to reduce output resistance and voltage ripple. With an operating current of only 220µA (operating efficiency greater than 91% with most loads) and 1µA typical shutdown current, the converter provides ideal performance for battery-powered systems.

• Inverts or doubles input supply voltage
• 12R Typical output impedance
• 91% Typical conversion efficiency at 40mA
• 1µA Typical shutdown current
• Green product and no Sb/Br

Тип преобразователя switched capacitorinverting
Диапазон входных напряжений 1.8…5.5В
Диапазон выходных напряжений -1.8…-5.5В
Максимальный выходной ток 0.04А
Рабочая частота 80кГц
Температурный диапазон -40…+85C
Тип корпуса sot23-6
Вес 0.1г

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    4-5 40 57.27


    4-6 5 74.53


    3-7 75 30.00

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