Цена 10 480.00 руб.

Описание INA226EVM

The INA226EVM is a platform for evaluating the performance of the INA226, a current shunt and power monitor with an I...

The INA226EVM is a platform for evaluating the performance of the INA226, a current shunt and power monitor with an I2C interface. The INA226 monitors both a shunt voltage drop and bus supply voltage. Programmable calibration value, conversion times, and averaging, combined with an internal multiplier, enable direct readouts of current in amperes and power in watts. The INA226 senses current on buses that can vary from 0V to 36V, while the device obtains its power from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply, drawing a typical of 330µA of supply current.

• Senses bus voltages from 0V to 36V
• High or low side sensing
• Reports current, voltage, and power
• Programmable addresses
• Operates from 2.7V to 5.5V power supply
• USB power and I/O
• Small form factor
• Simple software interface

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Содержимое Комплекта Оценочная плата INA226
Производитель Чипа Texas Instruments
Номер Ядра Чипа INA226
Подтип Приложения Устройство Мониторинга Тока / Мощности
Тип Приложения Набора Управление Питанием
Вес 250г

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