Цена 11.53р.

Описание ADE7758ARWZ

The ADE7758ARWZ is a high accuracy 3-phase Electrical Energy Measurement IC with a serial interface and two pulse out...

The ADE7758ARWZ is a high accuracy 3-phase Electrical Energy Measurement IC with a serial interface and two pulse outputs. The ADE7758 incorporates second-order Σ-∆ ADCs, a digital integrator, reference circuitry, a temperature sensor, all the signal processing required to perform active, reactive and apparent energy measurement and rms calculations. The ADE7758 is suitable to measure active, reactive and apparent energy in various 3-phase configurations, such as WYE or DELTA services, with both three and four wires. The ADE7758 provides system calibration features for each phase, that is, rms offset correction, phase calibration and power calibration. The APCF logic output gives active power information and the VARCF logic output provides instantaneous reactive or apparent power information.

• Digital power, phase and rms offset calibration
• On-chip, user-programmable thresholds for line voltage SAG and overvoltage detections

Входной импеданс 380кОм
Погрешность измерения 0.1%
Напряжение входа/выхода - высокий уровень 2.4В
Напряжение входа/выхода - низкий уровень 0.8В
Ток потребления 8мА
Напряжение питания 4.75…5.25В
Тип измерителя 3 Phase
Рабочая температура -40…+85°C
Корпус soic-24w
Вес 1.3г

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