Цена 12.68р.

Описание AD7794BRUZ

The AD7794BRUZ is a 6-channel 24-bit Low Power Sigma-Delta (Σ-∆) ADC on-chip in-amp and reference for high precision ...

The AD7794BRUZ is a 6-channel 24-bit Low Power Sigma-Delta (Σ-∆) ADC on-chip in-amp and reference for high precision measurement applications. It contains a low noise 24-bit Σ-∆ ADC with six differential inputs. The on-chip low noise instrumentation amplifier means that signals of small amplitude can be interfaced directly to the ADC. The complete analogue front ends device contains a precision low noise low drift internal band gap reference and can also accept up to two external differential references. Other on-chip features include programmable excitation current sources, burnout currents and a bias voltage generator that is used to set the common-mode voltage of a channel to AVDD/2. The low-side power switch can be used to power down bridge sensors between conversions minimizing the system's power consumption. ADC can be operated with either the internal clock or an external clock.

• Up to 23 bits effective resolution
• 400µA Typical current
• Low noise programmable gain instrumentation amp
• Band gap reference with 4ppm/°C drift typical
• Internal clock oscillator
• Simultaneous 50/60Hz rejection
• Programmable current sources
• On-chip bias voltage generator
• Low-side power switch

Архитектура ацп сигма-дельта(sigma-delta)
Разрешение (Бит) 24
Частота дискретизации (выб/сек.) 470
Количество A/D конвертеров 1
Количество входных каналов 6
Тип входа Дифференциальный
Интерфейс данных spidsp
Напряжение питания: аналоговое / цифровое 2.7…5.25 в/2.7…5.25 в
Рабочая температура -40…+105°С
Корпус tssop-24(0.173 inch)
Вес 0.22г

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