
Цена 8 270.00 руб.

Описание 2331211-3

AmbiMate MS4 series sensor module development kit allows a developer with use of some downloadable code to connect to...

AmbiMate MS4 series sensor module development kit allows a developer with use of some downloadable code to connect to either a Raspberry Pi or Arduino and start collecting data within 30 minutes. AmbiMate sensor module MS4 series provides an application specific set of sensors on a ready to attach PCB assembly for easy integration into a host product. Design resources are freed and time to market accelerated by integrating the MS4 series pre-engineered, four core sensor solutions for motion/light/temperature/humidity and other MS4 series sensor modules include VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) and eCO2 (equivalent carbon dioxide). This module with added capability is to monitor air quality through the capture of VOC concentrations.

• I2C communication protocol
• Space saving compact design
• Multiple attach methods to accommodate your application need
• One footprint allows multiple sensor configurations and flexibility in design

Макетные Платы, Инструменты ОценкиКомплекты Разработчика Измерительных Устройств

Производитель Чипа TE Connectivity
Номер Ядра Чипа 2314291-1
Подтип Приложения датчик
Тип Приложения Набора датчик
Линейка Продукции AMBIMATE MS4 Series
Вес 30г

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